Tome for Founders

This might be your first deal, but Tome has done thousands. Sanity check deals faster, cheaper, and more confidently with Tome.

Instant Issues Lists

Using AI, Tome reviews your venture deals to instantly generate issues lists that can be forward to clients, counterparties, and other lawyers.

Your Investment is Top Priority

Tome can handle thousands of deals simultaneously. There is no queue. Your deal is always first.

Tome spots everything

Tome reads your document end to end.  We spot everything from big issues to the smallest typos.

Market Comparisons

Use our unique insights to discover how your contract compares in the legal landscape.

Superhuman Precision

Tome gives insights on standard and non-standard clauses, equipping you to advise clients with data-driven judgment.

"A Game Changer"

Tome is a total game-changer in my line of work as an emerging fund lawyer. Tome allows me to review equity documents 10x faster without compromising the key issues in my analysis.

My clients found the reports to be very useful, and I find the ability to benchmark market-standard data something that's missing in my skillset.

Truly, this is something that AI will only accelerate.

Chris Harvey, Harvey Esquire